khartoum sudan war bitcoin

Bitcoin to help victims of the war in Sudan

Since April 15, Sudan has suffered a return of violence which has led many civilians to flee the country, in dramatic conditions. Diplomats and nationals evacuate currently a country in the grip of a new war of generals, who tirelessly compete for power.

Sudan is then, once again, the scene of violent clashes leaving the people destitute, no longer able to access water, electricity, or even emergency care with more than 70% of hospitals are out of service. The population has no other choice but to flee to neighboring countries, particularly Egypt and Uganda.

Sudan war
In Khartoum, Wednesday, civilians are fleeing clashes between the Sudanese army of General al-Burhan and the Rapid Support Forces (FSR) of General Hemedti, his former number two.  -/AFP (

The recent clashes in Khartoum are only a bloody reminder of the political and military instability that Sudan has experienced for almost three decades, preventing any possibility of economic development. Inevitably, and despite considerable natural resources, Sudan is one of the poorest countries in the world.

Bitcoin Hope for Sudan

In this new state of emergency, Sudanese citizens, supporters of bitcoin, “SoudanHODL” have set up an aid fund on the crowdfunding platform Geyser. Thus, all people who want to support the initiative can send “satoshis” (fractions of bitcoins) directly to the collective.

In such a situation where the country is almost at a standstill, it would indeed be very complex for a local association to be able to receive funds, and particularly foreign funds. Bitcoin transfers therefore represent a first choice alternative to provide direct assistance to the local population.

The mission of “Bitcoin Hope for Sudan” consists of helping people affected by the conflict by setting up field clinics to provide basic medical care.

With the funds raised, the “Bitcoin Hope for Sudan” collective will be able to improve the emergency medical assistance put in place, communicate with the Federal Ministry of Health, involve volunteers and provide themselves with medicines.

The fund has raised at the time of writing more than 3 million satoshi, or 0,03 BTC, approximately $500 today. Bitcoiners around the world can support and help the Sudanese victims by sending donations from $1. Payments can be made in bitcoin via the Lightning network with compatible applications, which allows instantaneous and inexpensive transactions.

Donations in cryptocurrencies are growing more and more over time and other humanitarian projects have been financed in cryptocurrencies as we saw with the war in Ukraine or during the war of earthquake in Türkiye.


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