The mainstream media and the press in general often talk about bitcoin for its volatility or for the records it records in terms of price. However, Bitcoin is much more than a financial asset and it has innovative economic foundations and principles. And, to our greatest happiness, films and documentaries have chosen bitcoin as their subject.
If you don't know anything about bitcoin yet and you need arguments and more explanation, nothing better than a good documentary, right? Likewise, if you are tired of your friends, acquaintances or your children don't understand you, maybe that will make them change their mind!
It is therefore the whole purpose of this article to reference for you the films and documentaries on the subject of bitcoin and above all: available on YouTube.
Here are the best documentaries and films to watch now. Most are in English but there are also documentaries in French!
Bitcoin: The End of Money As We Know It
The documentary translates to “Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It.” It is a documentary directed by Torsten Hoffman. The documentary is very interesting in that it focuses not only on bitcoin but on currency as such. The documentary is a great way to understand money and currency within strict economic rules. It’s actually even more interesting for better understanding bitcoin.
It is a documentary that takes viewers into the history of money up to the money conveyed on Wall Street. This makes us think to know whether bitcoin is the future of money or simply the start of financial disaster. They clearly want to show us how disruptive bitcoin is for the global monetary system.
For anyone interested in economics and finance, I couldn't recommend better than this wonderful documentary. The advantage of the documentary is that it is objective. The question is clear: Will bitcoin replace the currency we use today. Then he analyzes the answers in a detailed and academic manner, to put it bluntly. In short, you guess it: this is a documentary that really gives a precise overview of the disruption caused by bitcoin.
For me, personally, it is one of the best documentaries that exists on bitcoin, even if it dates from 2015 and since then, many things have happened!
It can be viewed for free on YouTube in English.
Edit: The director has released a new movie about bitcoin. It's called "Cryptopia" and I talk about it in this article, at the end 😉
Bitcoin millionaires (in French)
Most certainly, you have already seen this documentary produced by further investigation. I mean maybe you've heard of it. It is one of the rare documentaries/reports which is in French and which is available on YouTube.
It is rather well documented although it does not attempt to go into detail. What the journalists are most interested in here is showing us the incredible valuation of bitcoin. It is more of a report on bitcoin users than a documentary on bitcoin itself. We are not trying to convince people about the usefulness of bitcoin. Likewise, its explanation and operation is relatively undetailed. But, for entertainment and knowing (not understanding!) bitcoin, it can be a good start.
Again, it's dated but hey, it's always interesting to see the beginnings of the craze.
Free documentary available on Youtube and in French.
In the same vein, there is also the documentary made by Arte which is frankly not bad and in which we discover families who sold everything to buy bitcoin... Really, entertaining and interesting, as always with Arte.
Banking on Bitcoin
The subtitle is none other than "In Open-Source we trust". That's already significant, you might say. It's one of the most striking films that exists on bitcoin. This documentary released in 2016 of 1h23 minutes shows in detail what bitcoin is and how it can change the lives of the people who use it.
The documentary is also interesting because it focuses particularly on the impact of bitcoin on banks. Very clearly, we see how bitcoin wants to overthrow the corrupt, inefficient and centralized banking system. This is – in my opinion – the documentary to absolutely see! If you want to convince someone of the merits of bitcoin, the documentary will do it for you.
In short, if you are convinced of the phenomenal usefulness of bitcoin or want to convince someone, send them the link to the documentary.
To see the documentary, again, you will have to go through the Amazon rental service (different from AmazonPrime) . It is in fact one of the only documentaries that is not included in the Amazon program…
You can also watch the trailer for Banking on Bitcoinn on YouTube. To see the film in full, you will have to pay $2,99. Which is a shame, because typically this is the kind of documentary that should be public. But that's another question, right?
Subtitle only in English.
I am Satoshi
I am Satoshi is a 52-minute documentary directed by Tomer Kantor and which won “Most Creative Video” at the Blockchain Awards in 2014. The documentary is available on YouTube for free for our greatest pleasure but it is once again in English, without subtitles..
With this documentary, which uses the angle of investigation, it once again shows the ambiguous relationship that bitcoin has with traditional banks. We see how bitcoin is a real threat to banks. We also understand how the use of bitcoin could bring down banks one by one like a real house of cards. The documentary also sheds light on the impact of bitcoin on other areas such as education and health, for example. We better understand blockhain technology and how its use could improve our daily lives.
I am Satoshi is an essential documentary even if it is old for anyone who wants to know more about the implications of bitcoin in everyday life. It's a must-see as English speakers would say.
The film is available for free on YouTube and without a French subtitled version.
The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin
Again, on YouTube, it's just the trailer. The documentary The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin reveals the journey of bitcoin since its creation. This bitcoin film was produced by Daniel Mross with Nicholas Mross and Patrick Lope. Featured in the documentary are several early adopters and entrepreneurs who were interested in bitcoin from the beginning, such as Brian Armstrong, Gavin Andresen and Margaux Avedisian. This historical documentary presents us with a sort of history of bitcoin.
The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin is the ideal documentary for people who want to know the whole history of bitcoin. Indeed, in a spirit of popularization, the documentary is aimed at everyone, including novices.
You can rent it or buy it again on Amazon for 2,99 $. It is not free with Amazon Prime, I remind you.
Blockchain and us (2017)
It is a documentary which has received numerous awards and which is more interested in blockchain than in bitcoin. This is a rather rare approach and it feels good.
There are numerous interviews with crypto angelists and the documentary makes us think about this technology.
You can watch it for free on Youtube and even activate the French subtitles automatically (it's not great, but enough to understand if English is not your strong point).
Bitcoin in Uganda – Empowering the People
"Bitcoin in Uganda" is a very short documentary (only five minutes) that shows the incredible benefits of bitcoin in developing countries. The documentary focuses here on Uganda. Even if the use cryptocurrencies in Africa continues to expand, governments are not yet very informed (it seems to us) about the tremendous opportunity that this represents.
The short film shows how a Ugandan student named Ronald depends on his family in the United States to send him money for tuition payments. It's a bit like the typical phenomenon of the diaspora who sends money to Africa and who were (before bitcoin) obliged to go through Western Union and pay exorbitant fees.
This is a great little documentary to show how cryptocurrency in Africa can make money transfer easier and more self-reliant in this part of the world. For many people, bitcoin can become the first pan-African currency failing to have another one.
Editor's note: Today, with services like Machankura, it is also possible to send bitcoin without even having internet. It works with USSD technology available on a basic cell phone.
Dare to Dream: A story from El Salvador
The documentary titled in French » Dare to Dream: A Story from El Salvador » is currently available in English and Spanish. It is a documentary which traces the history of El Zonte village known as Bitcoin Beach. This was the first village in the world to adopt a circular economy based on bitcoin.
The documentary can be viewed on various streaming platforms and also be purchased online in bitcoin directly on the website.
Bitcoins in Argentina
Bitcoins in Argentina is produced by, the same production house that also produced Bitcoin in Uganda. That said, as of this writing, the site does not appear to be working. Bitcoin advocates believe that Bitcoins can be a good alternative for countries whose fiat currencies are collapsing. This is the case of theIran, Venezuela, Mozambique etc. For example, villages like The Zonte (Bitcoin Beach) are appearing. au The list would be very long in fact if we dwelled on the subject.
Why is bitcoin the perfect alternative? Because it is a decentralized currency – free from government control – that can allow citizens to continue participating in global trade even as the national currency crumbles.
In the youtube documentary “Bitcoins in Argentina” you will discover how Argentinians are using bitcoin as a replacement currency when their economies are in trouble.
You can see these two mini reports on the YouTube channel of this collective “BitcoinFilm” which mainly makes films and documentaries.
Frankly, personally, I like their approach and I saw on their website that they were going to release a new film/documentary soon.
The Bitcoin phenomenon
The Bitcoin Phenomenon is a documentary that focuses on the history, ideologies and conflicts between anti-bitcoin entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs who want to embrace the Bitcoin mainstream. This 44-minute documentary – produced in 2014 – features leaders of the Bitcoin movement and early adopters of Bitcoin, such as Gavin Andresen, who explains how he interacted with and helped Satoshi Nakamoto, and how he became convinced that bitcoin is the future after reading the bitcoin white paper. .
The Bitcoin Phenomenon is great for people who want to learn more about Satoshi Nakamoto and how bitcoin was started.
Oddly enough, the video is no longer available…
Bitcoin Gospel
The Bitcoin Gospel is a 48-minute documentary produced by “ Indigenous Films » in 2015 (already!). It is a very comprehensive documentary that explains the ambition of bitcoin in view of the financial crisis of 2018. It also shows how and why banks are worried about its meteoric rise. With this documentary, the bitcoin alternative is extremely well explained. It is a documentary and a film very rich in terms of resources. Bitcoin Gospel which means bitcoin evangelist in English is not to be understood in a religious sense. No, it must really be understood as a documentary that wants to popularize bitcoin to as many people as possible.
Excellent documentary that I highly recommend especially since it is free, available on Youtube and what's more, there are subtitles in French. So what are you waiting for to see it?
The bitcoin experiment
Bitcoin Experiment is a 39-minute documentary available on Youtube but which unfortunately has not recorded many views (yet?). There, it is more in Scandinavia that we see bitcoin in its daily use. The artist Amund Sjølie Sveen explores through this documentary whether Scandinavia is ready for bitcoin. In his documentary, which is intended to be a true sociological research, he interviews bitcoin users, enthusiasts, skeptics, government representatives and lawyers to find out how bitcoin is viewed in Scandinavia.
The Bitcoin Experiment is an excellent documentary for those who want to know more about the state of bitcoin in Scandinavian countries. It is still very interesting to be interested in this region of the world since we know that in monetary terms, they are more "advanced" than most countries. It is even in Sweden that the first banknote was made. Maybe it is there that bitcoin will find its first mass use...?
Bitcoin Magic Money
It's a very explicit documentary on how you can use bitcoin. It is a practical documentary that allows you to discover how bitcoin has already entered our lives. We see the different applications of daily life.
It is one of the most seen and best known documentary films on bitcoin, almost a must-see.
If you haven't seen it yet, I can't tell you again that you should watch it and even share it with everyone you know who wants to know more about bitcoin.
This is the most recent documentary, in the sense that it was released in 2020. In fact, 5 years after releasing his first documentary on the subject, Torsten Hoffman worked on this new documentary. More professional and more recent, it is a good documentary in which we have interviews with major personalities in the field such as Vitalik Buterin etc.
He goes a little further in perspective and it is even the subject of his documentary. Showing the future of the internet with blockchain.
The film can be seen on Amazon Prime and the subtitles are in French this time.
So much for this list that we wanted to be as exhaustive as possible. However, it is possible that we have missed some documentaries and films on the subject.
Do not hesitate to add films and documentaries that you know in the comments.
See also: