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GetAlby: The most practical app and extension for the Lightning Network

25th February 2024

GetAlby (or simply Alby) is a Bitcoin Lightning application that can also be used as a browser extension. It is a free and open source wallet that revolutionizes the way users interact with bitcoin and especially on the Lightning network which is experiencing strong growth.

Designed to be simple and practical for novices, it allows everyone to receive and send bitcoin in a simple and user-friendly way. Better yet, with Alby, you can make payments or receive Bitcoin via the Lightning Network directly from your browser.

Thanks to Alby, everyone can have a simple Lightning address similar to an email address. This makes memorizing your address much easier and more enjoyable, and eliminates the hassle of having to memorize or write down complex alphanumeric addresses.

Discover in this article the features of the Alby wallet.

What is the GetAlby wallet extension?

Alby is an open source Bitcoin Lightning program designed to integrate with web browsers. It allows you to receive bitcoin, send bitcoin, and pay in bitcoin via the Lightning network.

getalby Lightning address

The program allows you to obtain a Lightning address, similar to an email address ( which is easy to share and above all to remember. So, if you are talking to someone and you want to share your bitcoin address with them, nothing could be simpler when it is in the form of an email, right?

The other great thing about Alby is that you can use the app to connect to sites and apps that support Lightning connections. It's a very simple way to interact with the many lightning applications that now exist.

Alby is revolutionizing micropayments on the Lightning Network and has the capacity to democratize bitcoin payments on the web.

What are the features of Alby?

  • Sending satoshis in one click. Lightning transactions happen in your browser. No need to switch tabs or scan QR code for transfers.
  • Connect existing wallet. Alby is a lightning wallet, however, it allows you to connect your Bitcoin Lightning wallet that you already have.
  • Receive payments and “tips”. The application allows you to receive payments in Bitcoin which you can integrate on your website or on your social networks for example. For content creators, this is a particularly useful application and especially for podcasters.
  • Podcasting 2.0. A real-time streaming payments system that allows podcast listeners to make Bitcoin micropayments directly to podcasters' Alby wallets while they listen.
  • Buy Bitcoin. Alby has a partnership with MoonPay which allows you to buy bitcoin directly by credit card.
  • Confidentiality. Use Alby to easily connect to websites that offer Lightning connections and access applications on the Bitcoin Lightning Network. You no longer need to remember a username or password.
  • No tracking software. No statistics, analytics or other trackers are provided with the extension. Your confidentiality is then respected.

Alby creates a new experience for consuming and rewarding online content or services.

How to use the Alby wallet?

To use Alby, you must first register with an email address. You are free to choose a newly created email address or one dedicated to your Bitcoin-related activities.

Note: It appears that it is now necessary to have a guest code to register. Please follow the instructions on your screen if this is the case.

Once your account is created, you can create your Lightning address by choosing a name followed by Choose your address carefully as you will not be able to change it later. Also try to choose an address that is easy to remember because that’s the point. The idea is to have an easy-to-remember address that you can convey even orally.

Your Lightning address comes with a public Alby page that makes it easy to share and allow others to send you Bitcoin and looks like the screenshot below:


So, if you want to receive payments in Lightning, all you have to do is send your public page to facilitate exchanges.

Install Alby on your browser

You will be able to use your address to receive Bitcoin and your account to send Bitcoin to others. Additionally, you can use the Alby browser extension to transact on the web or connect your Alby account to a mobile app.

What is Alby?

To install the browser, go to the Alby website and click “Install Alby”. Use your Alby email and password. Currently, the browser extension is only available on Firefox et Chrome.

How to use Alby for Nostr?

If you don't know (yet) Nostr, know that you are missing out on something huge. It is a decentralized protocol that allows us to rethink social networks as we know them. Without censorship, Nostr gives you a new freedom of expression that becomes ever more difficult on traditional social networks.

If registering on Nostr may seem relatively complex for a beginner, with Alby, it really becomes very simple.

nostr getalby

You can choose to register with Alby for example on or,

What apps are compatible with Alby?

This is where Alby becomes particularly interesting, useful and very practical for Bitcoin users.

One of the best things about the Alby browser extension is that you can use it on many apps to pay or receive Bitcoin. Some of the websites and web applications where you can use the Alby browser extension include:

Entertainment apps:

  • Podverse : This is a 2.0 podcast player with which Alby formed a recent partnership precisely in order to facilitate Bitcoin payments on the platform.
  • Stacker.News : A Bitcoin news site powered by Lightning that provides real-time information.
  • Wavlake : A music player powered by Lightning for a seamless audio streaming experience.
  • Y'alls : It is a platform where anyone can write short articles and also react to those that are published. Free of expression and open to all, it is a new type of social network based mainly on writing.

Go shopping:

  • Bitrefill : We no longer present Bitrefill which allows you to buy gift cards with cryptocurrencies. You can buy all types of cards, ranging from Adidas, Amazon, Netflix, Nike and many others.
  • ShopinBit : It is an online store that has existed since 2018 and on which you can find almost all products that are linked to Bitcoin or not such as books, hardware wallets, t-shirts, furniture, beauty products , etc. You can find everything in the store. Of course, you can pay in bitcoin on the store.


  • LNMarkets : It is an innovative and unique platform that allows instant trading of Bitcoin derivatives.
  • Boltz : This is a privacy-focused, non-custodial bitcoin exchange platform designed to connect different layers of Bitcoin like the Liquid and Lightning network.


  • LNBlackJack : Play Blackjack and win Bitcoin rewards.
  • Lightning Roulette : Play Roulette with Bitcoin.

Node management:

Other various platforms:

  • Geyser : Crowdfunding of projects with Bitcoin. It is in particular on this platform that we can finance and support humanitarian projects (Sudan Crisis, etc.) or community projects such as documentaries.
  • Lightsats : A simple and intuitive application that allows you to connect with people on Bitcoin and send them tips in satoshis on the Lightning network.
  • : It's a kind of Google Calendar where you can book and pay in Bitcoin in a simple way.

There are several other apps you can check out. Don't hesitate to try them and choose the ones you like the most.

Using the Alby Lightning Wallet and Browser Extension

Alby's Bitcoin Lightning Wallet is still basically a great option if you're looking for a user-friendly way to use the Lightning Network. The wallet is really easy to use (even and especially for a beginner) and has a number of features that make it suitable for everyday bitcoin use.

However, it is important to remember that this is a custodial wallet, which means that you are not the one who holds the private keys to your funds.

In fact, it is not a portfolio in which you can have significant funds. This remains practical and useful for micro-transactions and interacting with applications but certainly not for storing your bitcoins securely.

If you are looking for non-custodial LN wallets, then we recommend wallets like BlueWallet, Phoenix or even Breez.Wallet.

See also:

Disclaimer: This does not constitute investment advice. Always do your own research.


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