pay Airbnb in cryptocurrencies
pay Airbnb in cryptocurrencies

How to pay with cryptocurrencies on AirBnb?

July 13, 2023

As summer approaches, many people who own cryptocurrencies want to use them while traveling. Today, it is very easy to travel with cryptocurrencies and pay for all services ranging from flight and hotel booking to third-party services. We have written a crypto travel guide for those who want to travel with cryptocurrencies because today, there is nothing exceptional or difficult about it.

And if you're looking to know how you can pay with cryptocurrencies on Airbnb, know that there are some very practical tips that can save you money.

In this article, we present two methods and a tip for paying for your stay on AirBnb with cryptocurrencies.

Does Airbnb support cryptocurrency payments?

At the time of writing this article, Airbnb has not integrated payment in cryptocurrencies despite a few announcements in 2020. This could change over the years but no official announcement has been given by the Airbnb company.

So, today, to book a stay on Airbnb, it is possible to pay with classic payment systems such as payments by credit card, debit card, bank transfer and also by gift cards. It is precisely with this last method that you can pay Airbnb in cryptocurrencies!

pay in cryptocurrencies airbnb

1/ Use a gift card site to pay on Airbnb

Buying gift cards with your cryptocurrencies is a very common practice among cryptocurrency holders. This avoids having to exchange your cryptocurrencies and makes spending much simpler. Some people do not have access to traditional payments, such as people residing in Africa for example. Using gift cards then turns out to be a perfect alternative for spending your cryptocurrencies while having access to services or objects that are otherwise inaccessible.

bitrefill gift card

The platform Bitrefill is one of the most popular platforms for buying gift cards with cryptocurrencies on the market. There are gift cards for many stores and the most important brands on the market. You can get Ikea, Amazon, Decathlon, Nike and also Airbnb gift cards. The list is very long and you will certainly find what you are looking for. You should also know that you also have access to gift cards to recharge telephone lines in more than 200 different countries or pay for other services such as VPN for example.

Public chat Bitrefill, you can buy Airbnb gift cards by paying in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, stablecoins or even Litecoin. You can buy an Airbnb gift card with a value ranging from €10 to €1800. You can buy several gift cards at the same time and from different stores too.

The big advantage of Bitrefill is certainly the fact that the site respects your privacy. You can register with an email address simply and do not need to complete KYC or send an identity document.

To add your gift card to Airbnb, simply go to your account and click on “payment”. There you will be able to add the gift card number and you will immediately see your credit balance. From there, you can book your stay on Airbnb having paid in cryptocurrencies.

2/ Use a cashback service

Source: igraal

You are certainly familiar with the cash back system as it has become very popular in recent years. The principle is very simple: each time you pay for a service, we give you back a percentage of what you spent.

There are different platforms that allow you to benefit from cash back and one that is the most used and best known is iGraal. You can register in just a few clicks and immediately benefit from cashback of up to 10% on certain stores.

The good news is that igraal, you also have the possibility of taking advantage of a cash back system on the Airbnb platform! So, in addition to your gift card, you can have a 4% return at the time of payment.

Cashback in itself will not make you a millionaire, but it will help you save money. When you add up the cashback you receive over the year, it can add up to a tidy sum.

What are the advantages of gift cards?

Gift cards paid in cryptocurrencies offer several advantages:

  • Anonymity. You can purchase cards without having to submit your identity information
  • A simplified purchase that allows you to spend in different stores without having to exchange your cryptocurrencies. This can be interesting for many scenarios.
  • You can access otherwise inaccessible stores depending on regions of the world.

The Problems with Airbnb Gift Cards

  • Gift cards are generally not refundable. For example, if you purchase an Airbnb gift card, you cannot exchange it for cash. You can sell it to a friend for example but you cannot do it legally. Gift cards must be used on the platform only.
  • Unused balances are also non-refundable. If you bought a 100 euro Airbnb gift card and your stay cost 80 €, the difference remains in your balance. You will have to use them (there is no expiration date).
  • There may be charges on gift card purchasing platforms.

Final word

As we mentioned above, paying for your vacation stay on Airbnb using Bitcoin is not possible directly, but there are ways to do it. We've shown you two simple ways to do this and we think it's a simple way to spend your cryptocurrencies.

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