bitcoin cashback

Here are the sites to earn bitcoin cashback!

30th June 2020

You certainly know the principle of cashback in classic finance, right?

If you don't know what it is, let me quickly tell you what it is. Indeed, it's a great principle and it would be a shame to deprive yourself of it. Cashback sites are increasingly used because once you discover how they work, it's difficult to do without them.

The good news is that with the growing adoption of Bitcoin, there are more and more sites that allow you to get back some of what you spend in Bitcoin.

In this article, we present to you the most reliable sites and applications for earning bitcoin cashback.

What is cashback in general?

In fact, with the sites of cashback, imagine this as a large marketplace where the stores present have formed partnerships to be visible.

To give you a very well-known site, I could cite you igraal which I personally love and use for almost all my online purchases. 

So, each time a person goes through a store on the cash back site, they will be reimbursed part of what they spent. The reimbursed rate will depend on the stores. Some offering 5% reimbursement and others more or round sums like 35 euros or more. So it depends on your store.

igrral cashback

But the fact remains that instead of paying for your product without having anything in return, as is usually the case, you will receive a refunded amount. So, when you make several purchases, after a while you receive a certain amount.

Isn't life beautiful?

🙂 Frankly, it would be a shame to deprive yourself of it and the next time you have an expense to incur, have the reflex to go to iGrail.

But, hey, we are on a blog that talks about bitcoin and if we talk about cashback, it is mainly bitcoin cashback that interests us too.

We will therefore see, here, how the principle of crypto casback can ultimately make cryptocurrencies more mainstream and more interesting to the general public. Oh yes! You will see that this could well work in the good favor of crypto!

The top 3 sites to earn crypto Cashback:

Yes, there are more and more crypto cashback sites and you will see that this is only the beginning.

1/ The Satsback browser extension

Satsback is a browser exemption that installs in a few clicks on Chrome or Mozilla for simplified operation. You can read our reviews on Satsback to find out how it works more precisely.

satsback bitcoin cashback

Every time you make an online purchase in one of the site's stores, you immediately receive a bitcoin reward. So you can continue shopping as usual and you will receive the satoshis directly into your Satsback account. You can remove them immediately.

2/ The Bitcoin Company application

The Bitcoin Company is a free application that allows you to earn cashback in Bitcoin thanks to discounts and a solution that allows you to link your bank cards to the application. This application also allows you to purchase gift cards and prepaid Visa cards, while benefiting from bitcoin benefits.

review the bitcoin company

To immediately win 1000 satoshis, you can use our sponsorship code: ICG94C

You can read our opinion on The Bitcoin Company to know more.

3/ The cashback site Bitcoin Rewards

It's really the equivalent of the iGraal site, except that there, you receive cashback in bitcoin. Really, it's a very good site with ever-increasing partnerships. For example, you can get bitcoin cashback on your Airbnb reservations or even your purchases on

4/ The cashback site CoinRebates

Again, it's the same principle. There are a little fewer offers, but the crypto cashback is quite interesting.

coin rebate bitcoin

5/ The application fold (up to 20%)

This is quite innovative but it's a shame that I can't download the app because it requires the latest versions of Android and iOS. It won't be long, you say, who knows?

fold cashback bitcoin

So that’s it for this small list of crypto cashback sites.

Also, I found an incredible card but I'm waiting to receive it and test it before telling you about it.

You'll see, I think you'll like it if you like crypto cashback!

How Bitcoin cashback can improve users' finances?

Cashback is an interesting concept, are you convinced of it too? We can see that more and more crypto companies are offering cashback programs. The reason is that more and more people are interested in this concept. Using for example Satsback, you will receive satoshis with every online purchase you make.

This is all the more interesting for holders of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies who want to earn it in a simple way, without having to make any particular effort.

Well, if some people are still reluctant to buy cryptocurrency, they are less so if they receive them for free!

If services give them the opportunity to earn and receive 2% of their purchases in bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, this is perhaps how mass adoption will occur.

Note: This is not investment advice. Always do your own research before investing.


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