bitcoin meetup

The importance of Bitcoin Meetups: Why participate and organize them?

December 14, 2023

The world of Bitcoin is exciting, innovative and constantly evolving, as you probably know. To stay up to date with all the latest news, it is essential to be part of an active community. This is also why many people are on social networks to follow people more or less “in the industry”.

However, far from virtual spaces, there are bitcoin meet-ups which are face-to-face events that revolve around Bitcoin. These can be truly emancipatory and blissful moments for the participants. Yes, let's not be afraid to use positive words.

In this short article, we will see why it is important to go to events organized around Bitcoin and why not even encourage you to organize one yourself.

What is a Bitcoin Meetup?

First, let's go back to the basics and describe what a bitcoin event or meet-up is. As the name suggests, it is a one-off event or 'meeting' organized in a given location. You should know that there are different types of bitcoin events. They differ in size, type of space, themes, etc.

Some are paid while others are free or have entries with ridiculous prices. Some meet-ups are more intimate than others in the sense that some events do not allow photos to be taken (to preserve the anonymity of participants) while others will provide cameras throughout the event. .

So, you will certainly find a bitcoin meet-up that better suits your profile and your preferences.

Why Participate in a Bitcoin Meetup?

Now, it's time to get to the heart of the matter, namely the reasons that should push you to participate in a bitcoin meet-up.

Expand your network and community

The first reason is the most obvious: it’s the networking opportunity. You will have the opportunity to meet other curious people, Bitcoin enthusiasts, people who have built businesses, people who have also fallen down the rabbit hole. Eventually, you might also meet people you've chatted with in online forums.

It is not easy to know people around you who are interested in or who know about Bitcoin. And, if you live in a small town, it can be even more difficult and more frustrating not to be able to share this new passion.

So, by going to a bitcoin conference or a meet-up, you increase your chances of meeting (beautiful) people and being able to discuss (finally) in the real world, about this virtual currency…

Finally, it is also the good way to buy and sell bitcoin in cash because you will always find someone to negotiate with 😉

Deepen your education and knowledge

When you have passed your desire to socialize with other bitcoiners, the other reason that should encourage you to go to meet-ups is to deepen your knowledge.

You should know that Bitcoin is constantly evolving with new proposals, improvements, updates and new use cases. Going to a meet-up is then an extraordinary opportunity for you to learn more.

The meetups are specifically geared toward spreading the word about adoption, and seek to be fun. There are workshops, lectures and roundtable discussions on crucial topics that can help you polish your knowledge of Bitcoin.

Have new ideas

There is probably no better way to expose yourself to new and exciting ideas in the Bitcoin space than by attending meet-ups. These events are often the place to launch new ideas and projects, giving you insight into the latest developments in the space.

Generally, entrepreneurs and companies are present in the meet-ups. Better yet, very often, hackathon like the “build for Africa” are organized so that startups can win prizes for their projects.

Who knows? By going to a meet-up, you could join forces with a group of people for example and create something big around bitcoin.

Why organize a Bitcoin Meetup?

If you can't find a Bitcoin meetup near you, don't panic. Think you might consider organizing your own. Organizing a meetup can seem intimidating, especially if you're new to events, but you'll find help among members of the community.

There are several good reasons to organize your own bitcoin meet-up:

Helping Bitcoin Adoption Locally

We tend to think that we have to organize an event in a big city, or even a capital, for the event to be relevant. It's wrong. Creating a meet-up in a small town can have a greater impact locally. Indeed, merchants and members of your town or village will be able to feel more involved during these events.

In big cities, bitcoin events can quickly turn into big events for companies and sponsors. However, in a small village, you can avoid this pitfall and stay as close as possible to the participants.

By organizing a meetup, you help build the local Bitcoin community. You give people a place to meet, share ideas and learn from each other. This is a great way to strengthen the Bitcoin community in your area.

Bitcoin Education and Adoption

Hosting a meetup also gives you the opportunity to educate others about Bitcoin and encourage its adoption. You can host presentations, workshops, and other educational events to help people understand Bitcoin and see its value.

Strengthen your role in the Community

It certainly depends on the person but sometimes it's important to feel involved in something, especially if you're passionate about it. It can give you a role and even (let's be crazy), a meaning to your life (yes, it's true).

To put it more seriously, organizing a meetup can help you strengthen your reputation within the Bitcoin community. You position yourself as a leader in your community, which can open up new opportunities and relationships.

Where to find Bitcoin meet-ups?

There are more and more meet-ups, events, conferences and workshops around bitcoin around the world. You can visit sites like to discover events around you.

You can also consult the page on which lists the events which will take place soon throughout France.

How to organize a Bitcoin Meet-up?

If you decide to host a Bitcoin meetup, here are some steps to follow to help you get started.

Choose the style of the event

To introduce your meet-up, you must first choose the type and style of meet-up you want to create. You can choose a meet-up that lasts over 2 or 3 days like the “Bitcoin paradigm” which is held in Neuchâtel for example. You can also decide to create a bitcoin meet-up far from the city, as does B-Only which takes place in the Alps.

b-only meetup

Also, regarding the duration of your event, you can organize them occasionally or regularly as a weekday evening in a café or a bar for example.

This is for example the case of “Corner Meal“, initiated by Jacques Favier (the author of “Bitcoin, the headless currency“) which are dinners organized in different cities across France.

There are also traveling events like the “Saturday Bitcoin Days” which take place on Saturday in Edinburgh where participants take a walk for two hours.

Choose a location and date

The first step to organizing a meetup is to choose a location and a date. You will want to choose a venue that is easily accessible for attendees and can accommodate the number of people you expect. As for the date, try to choose a time that works for most people, like a weekday evening or a weekend.

It is certainly at this stage that you will have a small glimpse of the financial realities that await you. Indeed, depending on the location you choose and the space chosen, you will know in terms of budget what you will need.

You can also choose to do it in a neutral place, in nature itself, as some bitcoin events do in order to make it completely “free”.

Plan the theme and content

Next, you will need to plan the content of your meetup. This could include presentations, group discussions, workshops or other activities. Try to choose content as much as you can that will be interesting and useful for participants.

You can choose specific themes such as the event held in Barcelona “Democracy4all” is dedicated to questions of democracy and politics around Bitcoin. Likewise, the second edition of “Dakar Bitcoin Days” focused on the issue of trade and the rise of Bitcoin in Africa.

Promote the Meetup

Once you have planned your meetup, you will need to promote it. This is clearly the least “nice” part if you don’t have the soul of a salesperson. However, you will quickly realize that the bitcoin community is eager for such an event. You won't have trouble finding participants if you communicate in the right place. You can use platforms like to advertise your event, or you can use social media, word of mouth, and other methods to attract attendees.

Call on stakeholders

You can also use the leverage of speakers and speakers who can communicate with their audiences about your event. This can be interesting in this case, but keep in mind that the most influential guests are usually paid for the conferences. This could then increase your budget considerably...In general, the price is reflected in the entry tickets, which are the responsibility of the participants.

It's up to you to decide whether or not you want your event to be accessible to small budgets.

Final word

We hope that with this article we have made you want to participate in meet-ups. If you

Overall, attending or hosting a Bitcoin meetup is a great way to get involved in the Bitcoin community. Whether you're a newbie looking to learn more or a veteran looking to share your knowledge, there is something for everyone at a Bitcoin meetup.

Finally, why not join or organize a meetup near you today?


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