buy gold with Vaultoro
buy gold with Vaultoro

Vaultoro: Earn 1/2 gram of gold now with Vaultoro!

September 3, 2020

In this article, I will present to you a service that I really appreciated and for several reasons. (You also know that I had already written an article which spoke to you about methods for buy gold with your cryptocurrencies

👌 On the one hand, as you know, gold remains the safe haven par excellence and many people choose to invest in gold. This is particularly true when a premonition of an impending crisis becomes increasingly strong.

And there, as you certainly know, there are many experts and market analysts who predict an upcoming financial crisis, even more catastrophic than that of 2008 with the suppressions. The most alarmist among them do not hesitate to say that it will be even worse than that of 29... It's a bit of a constant in financial news... We are suffering from crisis after crisis?

Still, in fear of economic collapse, people and the French are rushing to buy gold. It remains a tangible asset and it has value while having a limited quantity… Yes, yes, I know, a bit like bitcoin, in fact.

And, by the way, this is how I would make my transition to talk to you about buying gold with bitcoin specifically. And, this is where the site Vaultoro comes in.

So here is a review and a short analysis on the site we tried. We bought gold on the platform and we also have a good plan for you (you will see at the end of the article what it is)

Who is behind the Vaultoro company:

First of all, Vaultoro is a site that was founded in 2015 by two German brothers Joshua and Philip Scigala (LinkedIn link). In fact, the two founders are not at their first attempt. You should know that they had already created and worked in the company Bar9 in Germany which also allows you to buy gold (with FIAT money). They have been operating for more than 3 years and this year was the year of internationalization.

It is therefore with knowledge of the environment that they decide, by discovering cryptocurrencies, to offer the same service for holders of cryptocurrencies.

Vaultoro's physical gold is kept in a vault in Switzerland.

Vaultoro is an online exchange that allows people to be able to buy and sell gold in exchange for bitcoin. Of course, we are used to these sites where we can buy physical gold, but now the new trend is to pay with cryptocurrencies.

In this case, on Vaultoro, you can buy gold with bitcoin and Dash.

Vaultoro's concept of allowing everyday users to acquire gold using Bitcoin.

But not only can users buy physical gold, it is also possible to trade BTC/gold on the trading platform.

So, a trader with strong trading knowledge can profit from using technical and fundamental analysis on BTC/Gold. Or he can do like me and wait until the price of gold goes up.

Gold remains a long-term investment, in general. That said, with the current fluctuations, nothing prevents you from selling as soon as you can make a good capital gain.

Is the Vaultoro site a reliable site?

Here let's see some aspects of the Vaultoro company. The company has existed since 2015 and the founders, as we have seen, already have strong experience in the field of buying/selling gold. This is a significant point, you will agree with me.

Vaultoro does not have a regulated exchange. However, this does not pose a problem because users do not trade directly with Vaultoro but with other users of the platform. Therefore, only Bitcoin used in commerce is held in the wallets provided by Vaultoro. All profits made can be withdrawn into a cold wallet, which is therefore inaccessible to hackers.

Vaultoro has implemented measures to secure user data as well as gold holdings and BTC holdings in the respective wallets. Likewise, the wallets are of the cold wallet type to guarantee optimal security for users. Wallets are thus secure and protected using several signature protocols.

All gold is stored in the user's name and kept in secure vaults in Switzerland. All gold purchased by a person is audited by the auditing company BDO. This guarantees us that Vaultoro maintains a 100% gold reserve level. You can also check the audits on the site directly which are in PDF format. This adds a guarantee of reliability for this company.

vaultoro review

From a dark perspective, if for example Vaultoro goes bankrupt, the gold holdings are protected and users can access all their gold holdings, without problem.

How to buy gold on Vaultoro:

As with all cryptocurrency platforms, don't forget to activate 2-factor authentication (2FA). You will be able to buy gold with your cryptocurrencies and sell them without fear.

We would like to point out that for the moment, you can only buy gold on Vaultoro on a computer.

They don't have a mobile app yet although they said it would be available in the coming months. That said, personally, I like using this kind of service on a computer.

So, let's get into the details now to use the platform

  1. You simply need to register on the Vaultoro platform
  2. Go to the tab on the left “Deposit/Withdraw”. Click on the Bitcoin or Dash box depending on what you prefer to use on the platform.
  3. Send bitcoin or dash to your address generated by Vaultoro.
  4. Then, go to “Trade” and click on the pair of your choice (GODL/BITCOIN for example)
  5. Enter the number of grams of gold you want to purchase.
  6. Click “Buy Gold”

And there you have it, your order has been placed. Now a seller will sell you his gold in exchange for your bitcoins. This may take 5 minutes or more. And, presto, your purchase is complete and you finally hold gold!

What are the fees on Vaultoro:

Now it's time to talk about commissions and spreads. Yes, that's what Vaultoro places the emphasis on, you'll see it.

The fees and charges associated with trading BTC/Gold on Vaultoro are of three types.

Fees are charged for the trading (the act of buying/selling gold), storage (keeping your gold in a safe in Switzerland) and physical gold withdrawals (delivery of your bars.

There are trading fees, which are charged based on the trading volume in the 30 days preceding the calculation. This will depend on the volume you buy of course.

  • From 0-500 grams: 0,5% per transaction.
  • Up to 1500 grams: 0,4% per transaction
  • Up to 5000: 0,3% per transaction
  • Above 5000 grams: 0,2% per transaction.

Here is the cost

There are storage and insurance fees, which are fees paid to cover the cost of securing gold deposits in Switzerland and also provide insurance coverage.

Storage fees represent 0,034% of the total gold volume, which are paid once a year. This is a classic phenomenon when you keep gold in a safe.

This is deducted in gold, except for traders who have converted all their gold to Bitcoin. Bitcoin storage is free. Here again, we are not surprised.

How to withdraw your gold or make a withdrawal?

To protect users and keep transactions fast and affordable, on Vaultoro you will need to sell your gold for bitcoin. This is how it will cost you less compared to another platform for purchasing gold in euros for example.

Once you resell gold for example, you will have sold it in cash or bitcoin. It is then up to you to transfer your bitcoins to the wallet of your choice. On the Vaultoro platform, it takes approximately one hour to confirm all Bitcoin transactions.

What does Market Maker and Market Taker mean?

These are the two terms you need to know on the Vaultoro platform. When you are on this platform, you will place buy orders and sell orders.

👉 A Market Maker: This is when you place a buy order and want to buy gold by depositing your bitcoins in exchange. You are the one who makes the market in a way. You sell your bitcoins in exchange for gold in the same way as in a fruit and vegetable market, the merchant who sells his tomatoes is a Market Maker. It is you, in this case, who provides the liquidity. (I don't want to get too caught up in technical terms either, but know that these are the classic definitions in market finance)

👉 A Market Taker: On the other hand, you are in the position of the market taker when you have gold and want bitcoins instead.

Once two parties agree on the same price and amount, the order will be executed immediately, thereby removing liquidity from the market.

On Vaultoro, you should know that the fees are very minimal for Market Makers. Basically, if you want to buy gold with your bitcoins, it will cost you less. Likewise, part of these costs are paid to the people who will place the orders (i.e. market takers).

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Vaultoro?

⭕️ The advantages:

  • Users are not subject to any restrictions on the amount of gold they can purchase.
  • You can start trading gold within a minute of verifying the account (you are asked for identification of course to validate that you are the owner of the gold).
  • All transactions are verifiable on the blockchain, removing the opacity seen in traditional gold markets. This is the great advantage I would say of this platform.
  • BTC/USD and gold prices are moving in opposite directions, providing a solid basis for trading.
  • It is also possible to have your gold delivered directly to your home (but the costs are quite expensive).
  • Trading is faster, cheaper and more secure than on other platforms.
  • No bank account or fiat currency is required. Everything is done only with bitcoin or Cash.

⭕️ Cons: 

  • Traders must pay fees at every step of the process, from deposits to trading, and from storing gold to withdrawals. You will tell me, it's almost always like this when you want to buy gold.
  • You can only buy gold with bitcoin or dash and not with other cryptocurrencies. This can be disadvantageous for some people who have other altcoins.

The most frequently asked questions about Vaultoro:

✅ Is Vaultoro regulated?

No, actually Vaultoro is not a regulated cryptocurrency exchange. However, the company is registered as a legal company, in the European Union.

✅ Where is Vaultoro based?

Vaultoro is based in Cardiff, Wales.

✅Where is the gold stored?

The gold is stored in a fort in Switzerland. One can also visit the chest and check their gold holdings. To withdraw your gold, you will then have to pay for a special delivery service to receive it in person. On Vaultoro, this service is rather expensive. The company does not attempt to deliver, which is why the prices are high. What is sought on Vaultoro is to be able to buy gold in crypto without having to worry about storing it. The goal is to be able to resell it easily.

✅ How does Vaultoro make money?

Vaultoro remunerates itself in the traditional way by charging its clients trading, storage and withdrawal fees for gold.

✅ How to deposit into a Vaultoro account?

Vaultoro only accepts Bitcoin or Dash deposits. If you don't have bitcoin, I invite you to read the article to find out buy bitcoin. Otherwise, to summarize, know that you can obtain Bitcoin or Dash from Coinbase for example using the euro, for example. Next, go to your Vaultoro account to generate the public key of the BTC wallet. It is to this address that you will have to transfer your bitcoins or your dash. Once the cryptos are in your account, you're good to go, you can start buying gold.

✅ How to withdraw money from Vaultoro?

Withdrawals of funds from Vaultoro can be made using a transfer of BTC from the public wallet on Vaultoro (where your BTC trading capital is stored) to your BTC wallet of your choice.

✅ Is Vaultoro reliable? 

Yes, Vaultoro is one of the most reliable and secure platforms when it comes to buying gold with cryptocurrencies.

Conclusion: Vaultoro offers you 1/2 gram of gold!

📣 Finally, we're going to talk about promotion and the interesting offer from Vaultoro. The sponsorship link is rather generous, you will see. I think the offer won't last long and it's part of their launch campaign.

We offer you the opportunity to win 1/2 gram of gold for you and the person you sponsor if they invest $100 in gold.

A win-win system is what I like too.

If you know a friend who would like to buy gold with their cryptocurrencies, perhaps now is the time to talk to them about it?

So that’s my opinion on Vaultoro.

I don't know about you, but I think I'm going to use it a lot.


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